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    Article Summary

    Creating a new blog post.

    To add a new blog post, navigate to the Media Items section and click on the ‘Add Media’ and select 'Blog' from the drop-down menu. 

    This will open an ‘Add’ page ready to be populated. 

    Graphical user interface, application, Teams

Description automatically generated

    • Title 
    • Sticky or Featured – You can easily tick one or both if you want your media item to be sticky or featured.
    • Post Date – You can backdate your posts to make them appear later in the feed if required. To set the date you can either type the date manually in the DD/MM/YYYY format or click on the field and a calendar will pop up from which you can select a suitable date. 

    Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

    • Image - This will be your header image that will appear at the top of each post.
    • Author – To input your author, simply click on the field and select the relevant person from the drop-down list. 

    Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

    • Tags and Categories - Similarly to the Author field there is a drop-down menu that will display all the tags and categories present. 
    • Read Time – If you wish to notify your reader of how long this particular blog takes to read, you can input a read time in this field. 
    • Content - Now this is the fun part, the field is equipped with a full text editor, where you can insert images/videos, various headings, hyperlinks and other.
    • Meta Data – There are three meta fields: Description, Keywords and Canonical. 

    Styling and Formatting

    When you are populating your blogs, you’ll likely copy and paste from a document such as Word or Google Docs. When doing this, it’s important to remember to strip your text of styling before pasting it into the rich text editor. This will ensure that your text looks as intended on the front end of the site.

    To do this, you’ll need to remove the formatting. The best way to do this is by pressing CTRL + Shift + V to paste without formatting when copying it over to Recruit, CMS, or Media Hub. This will strip the text back into its rawest form to allow you to add the stylings that you wish. You'll then need to format H1s, H2s, and more within the text editor using the drop-down options. 

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