The main page of site settings allows you to add changes to a number of settings across the entire site, instead of applying them to individual pages.
The first two fields allow you to add tags to the header or footer of the page, which can also be done within page settings, if the scripts only need to be added to an individual page. This is useful for Google Analytics tracking codes or other scripts such as live chat plugins.
In addition to site scripts, you can also edit the ending part of all meta tags which is useful for adding the company name to the end of all page titles.
If using this feature, it is good practice to only set the page name on the page settings to avoid this text being duplicated.
Implementing URL Re-writes.
When creating a new site or even a new page, you will often have old URLs which are no longer active. However, search engines or other websites may still be listing these old URLs, which can impact user experience and SEO if these result in a 404 page.
It is good practice to redirect old, dead pages to the new equivalent page; this helps users and search engines.
This can be done within the CMS by navigating to Site Settings > URL Rewrites
To add a redirect, add the old URL and the new URL and click Add Rewrite.
The links should not include the domain and only start with the / at the beginning and end (e.g. /recruitment-website-design/), so they work on both staging and the live versions of the site.
Old URL: /contact/ ---> New URL: /contact-us/
How to Complete a Bulk Upload
The bulk upload page allows users to update either URL rewrites or some page settings via a spreadsheet which may be quicker if there is a lot of data to edit.
URL Rewrites
First, download the template sheet which will also include any rewrites already set. To add new rewrites just continue to add new rows of data.
As a rewrite from an original URL cannot be redirected to two different pages, clicking CHECK FOR DUPLICATES will flag any rows of data which have more than one original URL value. These will need to be changed and re-uploaded.
Then when the file has passed validation, you can click Upload to add all of the redirects; these will now also be shown in the URL rewrites section.
Page Meta Data
Users can also edit the page meta data for all pages as opposed to selecting site settings and doing this per page. Similar to page rewrites, first download the template, including the existing page data, then edit the individual rows before saving and uploading the new file.
Site History
In addition to individual module history, you can also view changes across the site. This will show which modules and pages have been edited or published with a time stamp.
This is useful when multiple people have been editing a site and will help narrow down why the change icon is showing on a particular page.