How do I Make my Media Appear in the 'Must Read' or 'Featured' Sections?
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    How do I Make my Media Appear in the 'Must Read' or 'Featured' Sections?

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    Article Summary

    Adding your media item to the must-read or the featured section is much easier than you might think.
    When adding a new item or editing an existing one, tick one or both options.

    Graphical user interface, application

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    • Sticky – this makes your media item ‘stick’ in the must-read section, which will appear on media hub landing page and in the corresponding category and sub-category pages. This is a perfect option if want to keep some media items in view for the reader, for long periods of time.
    • Featured – this, as the name states, will make your media item appear in the featured section. This section is relatively bigger than the must-read, which is ideal for the new hot reads that get replaced by new items as you post more.